For about 10,220 days of your life (right about 28 years) you lived without him.
And then you met him. Seemingly out of nowhere, and with no effort.
This is where everything changes. Your life goes from being a "you-centric" life, to being a "him-centric" life. Your mind races, consumed with thoughts of him 24 hours a day, and you wonder, "What in the world did I fill my days thinking about before he existed?"
After consuming every thought, hope, dream and orgasm for about 150 days or so, he disappears, and this time, it feels like he is gone for good. Unfortunately for you, every thought, hope, dream and now solo orgasm still revolves around him. The only difference? Now you're alone and miserable.
When something comes into your life that you lived without for over 10,000 days, who is it so hard to recalibrate once it is gone?
Is the status quo in a post him world ever going to resemble the pre-him era? Can the sun still shine if he's away?