Monday, April 30, 2007

The Original Carrie Bradshaw

Despite my love for Carrie Bradshaw's wit and style, my heart belongs to Helen Rowland. Helen was born in 1875 and let me tell you - from her writings, it is apparent that the dynamic between men and women hasn't changed much in the past hundred years. In 1909 she published a book, "Reflections of a Bachelor Girl" that is filled with the most incredible quotes... It is actually a pretty difficult book to find but well worth the search.

Here are some of the priceless quotes:

"As far as men are concerned, a woman's reputation for brains is worse than no reputation at all"
"Flirting is the gentle art of making a man feel pleased with himself"
"It isn't tying himself to one woman that a man dreads when he thinks of marrying; it's separating himself from all the others"

"A man can never be made to understand why a woman will pay fifty dollars for a hat containing ten dollars worth of material and forty dollars worth of style"

"A man can become so accustomed to the thought of his own faults that he will begin to cherish them as charming little "personal characteristics"

"A man is like a cat; chase him and he will run - sit still and ignore him and he'll come purring at your feet"

"A man never knows how to say goodbye; a woman never knows when to say it"

"A man snatches the first kiss, pleads for the second, demands the third, takes the fourth, accepts the fifth - and endures all the rest"

My question is:

If we know how men are going to act and how they think (since apparently they haven't changed in over 100 years at least) why haven't we learned how to play their games yet?

Friday, April 27, 2007

Revisiting High School....

So, last night, I attended my little brother's school play. He is a senior in high school at my very own stomping grounds. Revisiting campus is always a trip. Walking down that path from the parking lot to the school's drama lab was a walk down memory lane, except that in high school I was a lot less fashionably dressed.

Why is it that we are all so inescapably awkward in high school?

Watching "Ugly Betty" I must say that sometimes I can relate. The funny glasses, (mine too were red-framed... and I thought - in may naivete - that I was SO cute in them), the untamed mane, the raging hormones... all signatures of my high school experience.

And shockingly, despite being almost a decade older, accomplished, and much more glamorous, I find myself somewhat intimidated by the cool kids in my brother's grade. How is that possible?

In any case, I digress. The purpose of this blog is boys, and let's just say that I found myself mesmerized by one in particular during intermission. Tall, charming, good-looking, confident... everything you would ever want in a man. Or I guess I should say boy. Ladies, he was eighteen, and in my brother's class.

So, needless to say that one didn't pan out :)

I guess I was attracted to him because he was essentially the high school golden boy that I never got when I was in high school.

Which leads me to my question:

Will I ever be free of who I was in high school? Or will I forever be trying to fulfill my unsatisfied needs from when I was 17?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How Much Should We Bend?

So today my cell phone gave me a very ominous warning message letting me know that I am running out of storage space. At first, I was completely annoyed. I mean, I've only had this phone for a year, how could it possible be running out of space? In any case, I decided it was time to delete some text messages. That is when I realized that I have 1677 text messages stored on my cell phone. A large majority of those texts represent my last relationship. Poor phone. No wonder it is running out of space. It has been forced to hold on to the remnants of a relationship that I have already moved on from. So, as I began deleting texts from my ex, I came across one that said:

"I just want you to be happy. I love you and I am willing to change anything for you."

I can't exactly explain how this text makes me feel. Throughout my last relationship, I did make a lot of demands on my ex to change. I wanted him to change everything from his views to his lifestyle to his driving habits. Thinking back on the demands I would make, I've come to realize something:

1. We need to accept people for who they are because at the end of the day, despite our best efforts and theirs, they are not going to change all that much.

Reading his text, I also started to wonder about the changes I made for the relationship and whether I was flexible enough and willing to change for his needs...

I guess my relationship with my ex is best summed up in the words of the Radiohead song, "Where I End And You Begin":

"There's a gap in between
There's a gap where we meet
Where I end and you begin
And I'm sorry for us"

So the question for today is:

How much should you bend in a relationship? Is it possible to truly find someone with whom you meet in the middle and there is no gap?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Being Bold At Boardner's...

Last night I went to my friend's 80's themed birthday party at Boardner's Bar. First off, here is a good tactic when attending a theme party: if you dress super hot, you'll look even better than the girls wearing silly 80's clothing. You may lose points for not taking part in the theme, but hey, I've never seen a guy hold that against a girl wearing short white shorts and super high heels.

So, last night, in light of my quest to overcome LMS (lack of man syndrome) I made an effort to be very sociable, talk to a lot of people, and generally put myself out there. Which leads me to my conquest of the evening, let's call him Mr. D.

So, I was introduced to Mr. D by a mutual friend. We both attended the same college and live only a few blocks away from each other, so we had some common ground to chit chat about. Mr. D is 25, owns his own business, wears cute glasses and has a great smile. He is in no way what I perceive to be my Mr. Right, but that doesn't mean he couldn't be Mr. Right Now, or Mr. Fun for the Summer.

At the end of the night, as he was leaving, I engaged him in the following conversation:

SexyJelly: "Since we both live in the same area, we should get together sometime and go to Coffee Bean!"
Mr. D: "Yes we should"
SexyJelly: (Waiting for him to ask for my number...getting nothing)
SexyJelly: "You should give me your number"
Mr. D: "Yeah! Give me yours too"
SexyJelly: (At this point I'm thinking, God, this guy must think I'm such a tool, and is just taking my number to be polite)
Mr. D: "How about we go to dinner instead of coffee? How about over the weekend?"
SexyJelly: (Success!!) "That sounds great."

So ladies, here is the moral of the story: sometimes, putting yourself out there really does work. I mean, I may have had to ask for his number "to go to coffee" but he turned around and propositioned me for dinner.

Which reminds me of No Man Land Rule #2, which was brought to us courtesy of Miss Peanut.
"Don't let the fear of strking out stop you from playing the game."
I'll keep you ladies posted if this one turns out to be a home run...

Monday, April 23, 2007

The DUMB vs. SMART Theory is now a CLOSED SUBJECT...

...a closed subject for me at least!

Today I had an epiphany.
I was conversing with some guys & I found myself not knowing what they were talking about on SEVERAL occasions. It's not like they were discussing the anatomy of rats... they were talking business, politics, regular every day life subjects.

I didn't know maybe 10 words (in a 1.5 hour period) that they used. I didn't know about 3 different subjects they were talking about... and guess what: I FELT DUMB! Then I realized, HELLO PEANUT!!! Epiphany: I don't have to act dumb, I just need to find smarter guys. I actually am dumb compared to those who are smarter than me. I am just hanging out with the wrong crowd, one in which I don't learn anything from. I need to find people who are smarter than me... not to mention, people who I admire and inspire to be. NOT a group of guys that I have to play mind games with & dumb myself down for.

P.S. It's not a good feeling to feel dumb. Maybe all my life I purposely surrounded myself with guys less powerful, less intelligent because I fear feeling inferior in some way. Who knows...

Are Online Communities Good For More Than Just Stalking?

So, in my experience, the best thing to do on an online community like myspace is to engage in online stalking...

While my ex and I were dating, I once asked him if he was on myspace. His response? "No way. I'm an attorney."

Well, either he has changed his profession or he is just a major hypocrite because sure enough, a month after we broke up, he myspaced himself. Ladies, he has a page with his picture, a song, a blurb about himself, and even a picture that I used to be in (but he cut me out of for myspace purposes).

Very very mature.

In any case, I digress. I myself was thrilled to see that he had joined myspace. At least this way I can keep tabs on what he is up to. It is amazing how much you can piece together by going through his page and the pages of his friends. (Wow, that sentence just made me feel like a major stalker. Note to self: cut down on myspace stalking).

The thing is, who takes online communities seriously? They are a fun forum for talking to existing friends or in my case, stalking old ones. They are not for falling in love or getting into a serious relationship.

Are they?

I mean, all the stories we hear about people who would actually meet online involved pedophiles and less-than-attractive couch potatoes in middle America, right?

Apparently not.

Last week I heard that a girl I know met and is engaged to a great guy she met on J-Date. Good looking, doctor, from a good family, the works.

I've been in shock ever since.

So here's my question: Is it now possible to meet people online? Am I in no man land because I have failed to embrace the digital romance revolution?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Is The Perfect Man A Myth?

So, last night peanut and I were discussing whether or not it is possible to get everything you dream about in one man. For me, until recently, I didn't quite know exactly what my requirements were. There are the obvious ones, i.e. successful, intelligent, family-oriented, etc. that I've known about for some time... but in the last year, more nuanced requirements have started to surface: he must be open-minded (i.e. liberal enough to listen to my rants without choking), cultural (i.e. he has to keep the CD of me singing in his car at all times) and health/safety conscious (ladies, you'd be surprised how often this requirement gets overlooked... i literally had to fight with my ex for several months to put his seatbelt on). And I've realized that each year, my list is only getting longer. So, basically with each year, Mr. Right becomes a more vivid, yet arguably less-attainable goal.

Which leads me to question:

With each passing year, is my personal Mr. Right becoming more and more of a Santa Clause?

Will I eventually have to sacrifice some of the things my additional years of life-experience have taught me to look for or can I hope for a Christmas miracle?

Friday, April 20, 2007

SEX: Does it make you happier?

Sometimes I wonder if sexual frustration causes any kind of real damage to my life or if its all psychological.

Well, this article proves that sex actually does make you a healthier person & does contribute to your happiness. It obviously doesn't equate to happiness, but is definitely a contributing factor.

"A recent survey revealed that people who have more sex reported that they felt more at ease, happier and learned how to handle stress better. So perhaps the term "sexual frustration" is not too far from the truth."
The following are six different reasons why sex and sexual activity may help you live a longer, happier life due to the health benefits of sex:

1. Sex can cure headaches & relieve pain

2. Sex reduces stress & helps you sleep well

3. It increases blood flow "What this ultimately means is that the fresh supply of blood pumping through your body provides the organs with a healthy dose of oxygen and rids the body of old and wasteful products."

4. Body maintenance "Believe it or not, sexual intercourse burns off 150 calories every half hour."

5. Fountain of Youth "Although the orgasm is sometimes referred to as the "little death," having at least two orgasms a week can increase your life span."

6. Health Benefits of Sex galore "The health benefits of sex will make you feel wonderful within and without and you will gradually notice that the more sex you have, the more bounce you will have in each step. "

R Bar

So, tonight, when I realized it was 10 pm and I had officially wasted a perfectly good evening in the library doing nothing, Ms. S and I decided it was time to be rebels and make our first foray into Korea town to visit R Bar.

If you haven't been yet, I highly recommend it. First off, you have to knock and give a password to the door man (who peeks at you ominously and waits for the code word - yo ho ho).

Second, it is very dark and sexy inside and the juke box plays an ecclectic mix of kcrw-type music (i.e. Amy Winehouse). It wasn't overly crowded and the bartenders actually took the time to learn our names.

And it was in our conversation with Mickey, a pretty hot bartender, that we realized sometimes we should have already known: apparently being in law school doesn't always work in your favor.

So we are having a fun conversation with Mickey, when I casually mentioned that we go to school in the area.

Mickey (excitedly): "Oh where, FIDM?"

Me: "Oh no, actually we go to law school."

Mickey: (blank stare) "Oh."

And just like that, Mickey left to go to the other side of the bar. And just then I realized, wow, I should develop an alter ego.

Next time a bartender asks me what I do, just as an experiment, I'm going to be an SMC student training to be a vetrinarian ("because I love animals so much").

Because hey, the last thing you want is to turn off a bartender... at least he can provide enough wine so that no man land doesn't seem so lonely...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Peanut's Question of the Week

In my therapy session today, I was talking about certain issues with my parents and their expectations of me (which I know most people can relate to). In relation to one specific topic, I was telling him that ever since I was little I always wanted to end up marrying someone that was just a friend & that I all of a sudden developed feelings for (I think it's so cute to be like: "Hey remember when I found you obnoxious or annoying" when we are 50 sitting around on our asses together). My mother envisions a totally different way for me to find someone to marry & continuously drops hints and tries to get me to change my expectations & thoughts about how my future will pan out.

Do we actually keep ourselves from potential relationships because of our own rules, expectations & idiosyncrasies? OF COURSE the answer is YES. We all do. This brings me to my question: BUT is this something that we should be concerned about & work on to change? Should we try & rid of our rules and expectations of things in order to broaden our scope?

According to the book I am reading, "Now, Discover Your Strengths" I would like to say no. The book talks about focusing on your unique talents (which it describes as synapses in your brain). The less synapses you have & the more you focus on them, the stronger your strengths will be (and the more effective you will be as a person). BUT if you just try to create more synapses, you ignore the strongly connected ones (weakening them) & just create a lot more weak connections.

IN OTHER WORDS (in peanut terms -- since I don't like complicated words or sentences), you are forcing something upon yourself that is unnatural.

This relates to my question because: just because i may broaden my scope or my pool of guys doesn't necessarily mean that I will better my chance of ending up with a 'better' (whatever that means) man which we women tend to think automatically equates to a better life and marriage.

Does this make sense? Any opinions?

RULE #3: One a day

One of my girl friends occasionally likes to smoke (cigs). But she is very aware that it's not the healthy thing to do. I made a rule for her...


If you are going to do something that you know is not good, don't allow yourself to repeat it in the same day. So she is only allowed to smoke 1 cig a day. This goes for iming, texting, calling, leaving messages, etc for any guy. If you allow yourself to do it a second time in the same day, there will probably be a third too & then you are just plain FUCKED.

Every girl should be allowed to be bad once a day!

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

Since I posted about the kinds of books out there to guide us women (i.e. "The Rules" and "He's Just Not That Into You") I thought it was appropriate to let you ladies know the kind of literature that the men are reading. If you haven't read it yet, I definitely recommend you read "The Game." This book chronicles one man's journey from geek to player under the guidance of Mystery, a self-proclaimed master of game who does seminars across the globe to help men become "pick-up artists." Ladies, if you've been out in Hollywood, chances are you've had some of these tricks attempted on you. A few notable examples:

1) The Neg - Complimenting yet insulting a woman at the same time. Example: "It is so cute how your teeth are kind of crooked"

2) Peacocking - When a man wears something really flamboyant, i.e. lots of rings, or jewelry or loud clothing in order to get attention

3) Magic Tricks (I'm serious. They suggest men do magic to pick up women!

Here's a pic of the author, before and after he attending the "Pick Up Artist Seminar"... I think it speaks for itself.

In any case, this is a fun, revealing read that definitely explains why we have LMS and why LA is No Man Land.

Instant Messenger Pains Part II

So, after posting rule #1 of No Man Land (see below - Rule #1: If they are clearly not interested, LET GO) I decided that it was time I take my crush off of my buddy list. If you've read my previous posts, you know that this is not the first time I've taken him off. In fact, I take him off (in moments of strength) and put him on again (in moments of weakness) just about every few days.

But today, I really meant it. I was done. I was taking him off the buddy list, and this was going to be a symbol of my intention to let go and walk away.

And just when I manage to let go, what do I see?

"You have received an instant message from @?#!!"

Oh my god. Just like that he's back. He has immed me at 11:45 pm. He's back and I'm sweating and my stomach is turning and I'm excited and nervous and I reply to his instant message entirely too quickly and he gets off within 2 minutes.

And just like that, he's gone again.
So here's my question:

Why is it that boys somehow manage to reel us back in the very moment we've come to terms and decided to let go?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rule #2: Fear of Rejection

SexyJelly and I (the peaNUT) decided that we need rules for ourselves. So from now we are posting our rules as we make them up.


"Don't let the fear of striking out stop you from playing the game." In other words, put yourself out there and be bold. Don't stop yourself from pursuing something just because you are afraid of rejection. (this rule obviously applies towards general life, but for the purposes of this blog & the time period of my life, we are referring to GUYS)

Are There Really Rules?

So, I'm sure you all remember when the book, "The Rules: Time Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right" came out several years ago. The question is, are there really rules for landing a man? Or is this theory complete bullshit? In my humble opinion, every man and every situation is different; however, us ladies cannot allow ourselves to live in our fantasy lands and completely disregard reality. Sometimes, a man sends some pretty obvious signals. I guess this is where that other book, "He's Just Not That Into You," comes in. Sometimes, whether we like it or not, we have to suck it up and face the music. Due to my recent experiences, I've imposed the following rule upon myself:

No Man Land Rule #1: If he doesn't call you, doesn't IM you, doesn't try to hang out with you, barely says hi to you when he sees you, and generally acts like you guys never existed, perhaps it is time to let go.

In other words, take him off the buddy list for good, erase his number, and try to remember life BEFORE he decided he was interested in you and pursued you ceaselessly.

Oh no. I'm not liking Rule #1 very much.

How Old Is Too Old??

So, last night I went to a party and ran into a guy that I met over the summer, let's call him Tommy... When we first met over the summer, I was definitely impressed with him. He was interesting, funny, generous, well-traveled, cultured, plays a musical instrument, wealthy, comes from a good family, etc. Lots of pluses, right? Since I've been single, I've run into him a few times, and he has definitely given me the impression that he could be interested. Sounds perfect, right? Well ladies, here's the rub: Tommy is almost 40 (38 to be exact). Hence the nickname, Old Tommy.

You would never know by looking at him or the people he hangs out with that he is so much older, but in the end, does that even matter?

He is closer in age to my mother than me.

Which leads me to my question of the day. I've definitely felt a connection with this guy and if he were younger, I would definitely date him. What I don't know, is how much younger he would have to be...

How old is too old?

P.S. Last night I gave my number to a 37 year old because when he asked for my number and I told him he's too old, he promised to leave his walker and cane at home. Ha!

Monday, April 16, 2007

How do you explain a break up?

I found this website where an artist scribbles really cool messages on the back of business cards... Ever since I broke up with my ex in January, I'm faced with a ubiquitous question: WHY? Apparently, no one saw it coming but me.
So my question is: how do you explain a break-up?

If I had found this website earlier, I could have printed this card and passed it out in order to explain.

I know I complain about being in No Man Land but honestly, the greatest lesson I have learned this year is that when you're talking about marriage you are playing for keeps and in that context, no man is better than the wrong man.


Poolside at the Parker in Palm Springs

Question/ Topic of Convo:
Are men attracted to 'dumb' women?

Meet Michelle. 41 year old retired actress. Lives in Hollywood. Married once for 5 years to a man who had 3 children from his previous marriage. Is friends with a bunch of Hollywood-types & shops at Maxfield. Loves alcohol & has a tattoo of some Japanese character on her arm (because she thought it was a good idea to get a matching tattoo in Hawaii with her at-the-time fiance). Currently single and has been chillin at the Parker for the past 5 days.

Answer: "From my life experience, I believe that men who are intelligent and have confidence want a woman who is smart. Men who are insecure about their intelligence level want someone dumb or 'less smart'... and that usually doesn't last because with age comes a desire to mentally connect with someone which is why marriages don't work out."
P.S. Her tattoo said: Inner Strength

Meet Toni & Sean. Two 23 year old guys. Both play tennis and were trying to play professionally when they decided to give up and go work for Wells Fargo Personal Banking. One went to UCLA and the other didn't go to college. They met Michelle last night at the bar, where along with others, got extremely drunk and hung out till 7:30am! 41 and 23, whoa!!!

Answer: "Dumb girls?? (look of confusion as if they didn't know what I meant). After Michelle answered, they just agreed with her statement.

Meet Heather & Susan. Two late 30 something women. They both said, "we heard you talking about dumb women over there... & you are a great great girl, we love that you are comfortable in your skin, don't ever change for a man. When I was in my twenties I thought getting married was the ultimate goal. It's definitely not. You need to find something you love doing and live your life. When men marry dumb girls, they are just an arm charm & it never ever lasts." One was married, divorced and recently engaged again. The other was engaged 3 times and broke off all three.
It's always interesting to hear from different perspectives.

143 Reasons That I Will Be The Best Girlfriend You've Ever Had

This is from craigslist... I just couldn't resist.

A few of my personal favorites:

19. I have all my shots.

65. I let you open jars that "I can't open"

71. I would fax you my ass.

125. I drink a lot of water.

Feel free to post your favorites in the comments...

Instant Messenger Pains

So, I sign on today and notice that my current crush isn't online... Since IM is our only real method of communication, I was bummed but didn't think much of it. Later on in the day, I check again and see that he is still not on. What is going on? I know he has class at this time, so he MUST be online (since instant messenger is the only way any of us get through law school classes). I start to panic. Why isn't he online? Is he ok? Did something happen? Or worse, did he block me!!?!?! So, I sign on to my secret instant messenger name. The one I use to see who is online when I want to spy. And sure enough, there he is!! Oh my god. He has blocked me!! I start to have an anxiety attack. I mean, this is just too much! All of a sudden, I realize, let me check my buddy list. I type in his name into my buddy list and viola, there he is. I remembered that on Thursday I took him off my buddy list in a fit of rage in order to stop obsessing over him. We all can see now how well that worked out...
Now if only I could come up with an excuse to IM him...

Will I find LOVE just being who I am? Because I CANNOT act DUMB!

Acting dumb.... I don't think this is going to work for me. I was out with some friends tonight & there was this girl there. She was truly dumb. There is no way I could act like that, I would actually have to be dumb to say the things she was saying.
I sat there quietly for a long time, because I had nothing to say that could be remotely bubbly or dumb. I just cannot pretend to laugh when something is not funny & definitely CANNOT say stupid things on purpose.
NEXT on the agenda of updates:
SexyJelly's post about crushes -- brings up a good point. My liking for my 'guy friend' is kind of 'validation' for him. Because he used to like me 4 years ago & now I just can't tell if he would still be interested. I am doing EVERYTHING I can think of to find out without being direct. It's really hard.

I need to, want to, have to, want to, need to, must have him by summer! This is definitely going to be a challenge for me! And sometimes I wonder if it's even worth it !?

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Crushes... Ten Years Later

So, this was definitely an interesting weekend... following my adventures with entrepeanutbutter on friday and friday evening I decided I would do something I've never done before: I went to a party by myself. That's right. I hopped in my car after the hip hop show with peanut and wisked myself off to downtown LA for a party at a pirateship themed bar. If you haven't been to Redwood, it is definitely worth the trek. In any case, I ended up running into my high school crush. You know how everyone has that one guy in high school that they pine for and pine for and eventually get (on some level) and continue to pine for? Well, he was there and he was so happy to see me! This is the guy I would sneak off campus with and call for no reason and talk about endlessly with my girlfriends and write poems about and... (basically I was obsessed... you get the point). In any case, he told me that he had the biggest crush on me in high school and he was "enamored with me." Wow. Validation. I mean, it came almost ten years too late... but I guess the old saying really is true: better late than never.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Band-Aid approach to cure LMS

The CURE for LMS... temporarily.

I woke up this morning & realized that I mentioned a GREAT temporary cure for LMS in my last post & didn't even realize it! I am going to develop a new personality type.

EntrePeanutButter's New Persona:
(-) Take Away (+) Add on
- Ambition
- Intellect
- Smart/ clever comebacks & comments
- A couple pounds of fat on my derriere
- My fantastic sense of direction
- Creative ideas for businesses
- Knowledge of some things: construction, plumbing, credit, balancing check books, running businesses, anything that makes me remotely competent or manly in any way
+ Bubbly comments
+ Smiles & winks
+ A sparkle in my eye
+ A cheerful attitude (for no reason-- I've never achieved anything)
+ A job at the UE Corp (Un-Employment)
+ An interest in domestic 'hobbies' (like cooking classes)

All suggestions for anything else I should add or take away are welcome.

City of culture, advice from a man on 'how to play the game' & just a really fun day in LA!

SexyJelly & I decided we LOVE LA! Who knew that you could have so many different cultural experiences all in one day!

THE MONDRIAN HOTEL POOL --- wow what a diverse group of superficial wierdos. One woman was wearing a thong bikini and laying out with no top (face down of course) and her body was insane! She kept caressing her boyrfiend (who was this buff dude with a really bad tan & he wouldn't give her the time of day). This just goes to show how mean men really are. I mean you have a SUPER hot chic huggin you & feeling you up in the pool and NO RESPONSE.

Anyway, we had so much fun laying out by the pool & eating!

LE PETIT FOUR -- you know how close their tables are. Well we happened to sit right next to the perfect two men. FUNNY, personable & gave the best LMS relief advice ever.

So we started talking about developing feelings for a guy friend... what you should do and how you should 'play the game' wisely. Straight quote from Philipp (the advisor himself):

"Women are attracted to men they love & men fall in love with women they are attracted to."

PB&J's new favorite line :)

So his advice goes as follows:

1. Plan to hang out with the guy (alone)

2. Get drunk

3. Flirt

4. Get him to kiss you

5. Back away instantly & say 'oh my god, what are we doing, i dont know if this is okay'

6. Wait a few minutes

7. Grab him and kiss him back

8. NEVER mention that you actually have feelings for him

9. Act like you didn't even want it and are still not sure if you want it now

10. This apparently makes a guy horny. Being honest DOESN'T

11. OH & he even mentioned: "act a little dumb, guys like that"

ONCE AGAIN, confirmation of PB&J's theory about why we have LMS, it's because we are smart & don't really know how to act dumb. WELL WATCH OUT WORLD. This will be the summer of "what does that mean?" "no clue what we are doing with our lives", unemployment, & all we know how to do is look pretty & smile. Oh and maybe be a little cheery & positive (guys like that). But smart comments, intellectual convos, philosophy, high vocab word usage -- NO MORE!

Moving on to the next spot...

THE KNITTING FACTORY for some underground hiphop. Wow, from sparkly bathing suits and fake tits, to ghetto booties & wanna be African American young rappers. What a cultural difference. Great show. Interesting venue, interesting croud. (for me anyway). SexyJelly is a little more cultural than I am & I had never in my life been to a show like this one. Great experience for me!

Seriosuly what a day!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Drunk In the Library at 5 pm

So I was diligently working in the library when I realized that it was 4:30 pm. Once in a while the law school has beer and wine and food in the afternoons and today was the day. Did I go for the wine? No. I'm allergic to red wine. Did I go for the food? No. I went to hopefully accidentally on purpose bump into someone. Did I? Yes. Did anything happen? No. What did I do? I drank some wine. Lots of it. Which is why I'm drunk in the library at 5 pm. By myself.

Why do girls go so far out of their way to accidentally on purpose bump into people? Why do we hesitate to be direct? I could have saved myself an allergic reaction and a hangover.

Ben Franklin said, "Wine makes daily living easier, less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance."

I hope he's right.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Is it okay to be bad?

Often I contemplate, is it okay to be a little bad?
What is bad?
Of course, it's different for every single girl. But for me:
-Answering a guy's question by whispering in his ear.
-Making comments that make the guy a little horny (out of no where comments).
-Touching him every chance you get.
-Interrupting him when he's talking to another girl.
-Wearing really short shorts & telling a guy to go ahead & "touch" ... you just shaved... ooo so soft ;)
One time, I dressed up a little sexy for halloween & I ended up playing that role that night... went home with a friend & had 4 hours of foreplay followed by 3 exact seconds of orgasm.
So when you 'choose' to be a little bad... by dressing a little slutty, why is it that you might also act a little bad too. When is it okay & when is it NOT okay?
Can acting a 'little bad' actually get you a potential real relationship?

Important Thought of the Day

Where have all the men gone?

This is my first official post on my blog, no man land. Welcome. One night, tonight actually, entrepeanutbutter and I (sexy jelly), decided that it is about time that we join forces and combat our common problem: lack of man syndrome (LMS). After much discussion, we've decided to take a stand, make our problem known, and try to creatively seek out an effective solution. We are two hot, smart, sophisticated, and somewhat eccentric women that do not want to turn 25 all by our lonesomes. The purpose of this blog is to solicit advice, suggestions, and even dates in our quest to overcome LMS. Our slogan: PB&J blogging for the cure.