Sunday, June 24, 2007

Happy Hour

So, Friday lunch I'm sitting at lunch with my co-worker and the topic of conversation was, you guessed it, Mr. Smile. The night before, while I was at the Boyz II Men concert, I had text Mr. Smile, "I'll miss you tonight." And he texted me back... well actually he didn't text me back. The entire night, and throughout the next morning, I had anxiety. Remember my text analysis post? The last time I sent a nice text to a boy I had just met, our entire dynamic changed (for the worse). Anyways, when I told my co-worker, a man by the way, that I had text him, "I'll miss you" he gave me the "oh no" face.

I'm sure all of you have encountered the "oh no" face. It is the face people give you when you've done something they think is stupid, but yet they don't have the heart to make you feel bad about it. Despite the obvious "oh no" face, he told me, hey, don't worry, he's probably just busy, etc. etc. In any case, my anxiety was rising.

But, Mr. Smile never fails to come in on cue. Just as I was reaching the pinnacle of regret for my too nice text, he called me, on my lunch break, and asked to meet me for happy hour. He drove all the way down to my office, and took me out to a great little hotel for drinks. We talked for over two hours, and when we walked to my car, we shared our first official kiss.

Nothing like a sex kitten (pureed rasberries, lemon juice, cranberry juice and vodka) and some sexy kisses to end the week off properly.
Ladies, it was perfect. Sweet and romantic and passionate all at once - the perfect kiss cocktail if you will.

Happy hour indeed.

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