You all remember "that girl" in high school. The town bicycle. The modern miracle that is the girl who cares less about what all the other girls think, and proceeds to get it on with whomever she pleases, often times putting herself, to put it very mildly, in several compromising positions.
I'm sure we've all wondered from time to time, what happened to "that girl"? Did she:
a) end up contracting some horrible STD (or several) like everyone always suggested she would
b) decide to repent for her years as a harlot by becoming a nun, or
c) marry young, rich, and fabulous.
Despite all temptation to choose answer (a), take a look around you and try to see where that girl ended up. 9 times out of 10, the answer is (c).
How is it that the girls with the worst reputations often end up marrying really well with apparently no problem while so many of us, who careful trodded the straight and narrow, are still single?
Does the guy:
a) not know about her past
b) not care about her past, or
c) like the idea of being the one that tamed the shrew?
I have to say, that with the way people talk, I think option (a) is out of the question. That leaves us (b) and (c). And I'm leaning towards (c). It takes a very special man to disregard the kinds of rumors I'm talking about and make a woman his wife. Which leaves (c). He chose her, because she was the town bicycle.
It still remains a mystery to me why these guys tend to be so "on paper" desirable...
If putting out pays out, perhaps "us girls" should give "that girl" a break?
1 comment:
"It takes a very special man to disregard the kinds of rumors I'm talking about and make a woman his wife."
It takes a very special girl to go out there with no inhibitions and do whatever the hell her heart wants to do. If she's outgoing, strong, and willing to please, why wouldn't the special men be attracted to her?
Us ladies spend a lot of our young years figuring out who we are, what we want, and how to go about it. If this girl figured that all out in the early years of high school, than why wouldn't she be ready to marry successfully at a young age?
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