Friday, June 29, 2007

Mr. Frown?

So last night, Mr. Smile and I were supposed to go wine tasting. Or so I thought.
On Monday, he invited me to go, and so I rearranged my plans to be available for him. On Wednesday, when I still hadn’t heard from him about the plans, I got in touch with him to see what the plans were, and his response was, “You know, I don’t really think it is a good idea. It is really far and the drive will be murder.” Now, in my mind, I thought, ok, so we’re not going wine tasting, maybe he’ll take me to dinner (since he has yet to take me to dinner).
But no, Mr. Smile continues by saying, so I’m going to go play basketball and then it is my friends birthday party…. Blah blah blah. As he trailed off, I began thinking, what the eff just happened? How did he so nonchalantly just cancel our plans?

In all fairness, he did suggest making plans tonight instead, after dinner which I think is ridiculous, and also on Sunday, when I’m busy, but still, I was bothered that he cancelled on me without any sort of apology or anything. In truth, he kind of did the same thing on Monday. We had made plans for Monday a few days in advance, but when Monday rolled around, he said, “I don’t know, I might be tired.” We did end up going, but I didn’t like the feeling it gave me to have to wait around and see how he “felt” when we had made the plans a few days earlier.

The part that confuses me is that throughout the day, he sent me a million text messages saying, “please meet me at the party” (where he was going to be) and then, when I didn’t show to the party, saying that he was “L” and had been hoping to see me. In other words, he was being totally attentive and sweet (which unfortunately for me was too little too late).

So the question is, which speak louder, actions or texts?


Anonymous said...

I say get off the Mr. Smile bus...and fast. It seems quite early in the game and he's already showing signs that you're not a big priortity to him (i.e., he'd rather play with his boys or whatever) then go wine tasting with you - when he had already committed to taking you! What?! So no ok.
Move on.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with the first poster. He's a flake and if he's already cancelling on you it can only get worse later on. Nothing bothers me more than people who expect you to sit around and wait to see what their mood is or what they want. My favorite: "I'll call you when I'm done and we can meet up." PFT! As if anyone should put their life on hold while waiting for someone else to live theirs.

EntrePeanutButter said...

PFT? What does that stand for? Never heard it...

Sexy, I think Mr. Smile is a a big time LOSER! Obviously, if he hasn't taken you out to dinner once since you have been talking, he's the cheap type. And the drive is going to be 'murder' EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW I hate people like that. Just get in the car, drive and look forward to the destination FUCKER. Driving should not even be a concern when hanging out with such a special person like yourself.

Anonymous said...

OMG Mr. Smile sounds like a total fucker. It's s good thing you dumped him - he deserves much less. I have known many a Mr. Smile in my life too - but I was so "blinded" by love each time that it took me a long time to realise it.