Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How To Get Divorced By Thirty

Here is an article by Sacsha Rothchild which has highlights from her book, "How to Get Divorced by Thirty - A beginner's guide to ending your starter marriage."

I say (as she does as well) that the point of this book is to learn all the rules, and then do exactly the opposite.

Ladies, what a world we live in where we all know exactly what the phrase "starter marriage" means. Hopefully by taking Sascha's advice, we can avoid the starter marriage all together. Call me old-fashioned, but I still like the idea of being in it for the long haul the first time around.

Here are a quick rundown of some of her steps for getting divorced by 30 (god knows we are all guilty of committing some of them already!):

STEP ONE: Jump from your horrible early-20s relationship right into a mid-20s relationship without learning or growing or pondering what you really want out of a mate — then marry that person.

STEP TWO: Marry an actor.

STEP THREE: Believe that opposites attract.

STEP FOUR: Adhere to an arbitrary timetable.

STEP FIVE: Give a passive-aggressive ultimatum.

STEP SIX: Get married for a down payment.

STEP SEVEN: Plan the divorce while you plan the wedding.

STEP EIGHT: The invitations have already gone out.

STEP NINE: Compromise to the point that both parties are unhappy.

STEP TEN: Cling to distractions.

STEP ELEVEN: Move in together to save money.

STEP TWELVE: All your friends are doing it.

STEP THIRTEEN: Marry your high school sweetheart.

STEP FOURTEEN: Ignore your spouse and dive into a new addiction.

STEP FIFTEEN: Beat a dead horse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW. thanks for the great post. I think I'll have to go out and get that book. I'm in a happy and healthy relationship but I definitely recognize myself in some of those "steps".

PS. In LA, the actor refered to in step 2 should be in quotes - "actor". everyone is an "actor" here, (they have headshots and 1 credit on IMDB). :-)