Monday, April 14, 2008

Mr. Hit and Run

A Victim of Mr. Hit and Run

The past few months, I've had the absolute displeasure of having several friends suffer the wrath of the worst kind of man: Mr. Hit and Run.

Who is Mr. Hit and Run you ask?

Well... one thing is for sure, he is certainly not what he seems at first blush. At the beginning, you meet. He is charming. Warm. And shock of all shocks, really available. Unlike other men you've met, he isn't trying to play games. He is trying to "get to know you" and wants to "spend time with you" and "misses you" and you think omg, I've hit the jack pot: A man who is willing to date without all the bs that oftentimes comes with dating. At the beginning, he is attentive, he calls you, he e-mails you (and not in a stalker kind of way... in a just the right amount kind of way). You make plans, and you never feel like he's upset about not being with his friends instead. You think (gulp) maybe this actually work out! Maybe he is boyfriend material.

But the thing is, he isn't. He is Mr. Hit and Run. And lets just say, he's not usually the type to even leave a note as you're left to figure out what the hell went wrong.

Everything is going well, maybe one month has passed, you saw each other last night, everything was normal, and today, for the first time, he hasn't called you.

You play it cool, you have faith in him, he's been so great, and normal and game-free... right? Wrong.

Two, three days pass, you call, he doesn't return. Mr. Attentive is now Mr. Super Flaky. And eventually, after maybe a week, it dawns on you: he's done.

No explanation, no blowout, no nothing. And the funny thing is, Mr. Hit and Run (unlike his cousin Mr. Hit It and Run) isn't about having sex with you and then dumping you. He'll leave before it even gets physical!

He's like a fucking genie: One minute he is there, and next minute, poof! he's gone... and you're left in his dust.

My question is: What in the world does Mr. Hit and Run get out of this? What is the point? I get Mr. One Date, Mr. One Night Stand, and even Mr. Hit It and Run... but this one is beyond me.

In a world without relationship insurance, how do spot Mr. Hit and Run in advance to avoid the collision?


Anonymous said...

Thats why I prefer Mr. Hit It and Run. At least he's honest. Mr. Hit & Run either left because a) his real girlfriend begged him to come back because she was tired of taking care of the dog by herself or b) He was hitting and running over three chicks at the same time and your number didn't come up in the lottery.

Unknown said...

Keep expectations low. That's why he's so good at his job, because you begin to expect things.

Even my male friends get caught in this trap because they can't keep things mellow in their heads when they're smitten with a new girl (because girls play this game too).

When I see him start to sacrifice things beyond simple schedule adjustments then I can trust more. But not until I see him giving more up than not for me.

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY know what you're talking about. I met this Pakistani tourist in July and he was the ethereal Mr. Hit and Run.

Being an avid follower of astrology, this is seen most often in Virgo men. My Pakistani guy was a Virgo. Virgos are hot sometimes, cold sometimes...until they eventually disappear altogether. It sucks but, as handsome and charming as they are - Virgo men need their space.