Girl 2: "What!!!???!! What do you mean? Did he cum inside of you? Did he pull out? He didn't wear a condom?"
Girl 1: "No, no condom... he pulled out."
Girl 2: "Are you nervous?!..."
Girl 1: "No, not really it's done. What am I going to do now? I just don't think about it. I put it out of my mind..."
Girl 2: "Well I had sex with this guy and he didn't use a condom in the first few minutes, but then he put one on... but I am a little worried, because it was close to my ovulation days."
Girl 3: "You keep track of your ovulation days! You are such a dork!"
Girl 3: (who is on birth control) "Well, I think you guys both made a mistake, any kind of condomless sex, even though they didn't finish off inside of you, is considered unsafe to me!"
As Girl 1 and Girl 2 are desperately awaiting the arrival of their period... I started to think to myself, life for us women is a little tough. It's not always easy to adhere to the 100% safe way.
We know that to be 100% safe, you should either be on birth control AND use a condom or for those of us not on birth control, use a condom throughout the entire session, lub yourself up with spermicide and maybe even pull out at the end and just cum in the condom? Avoid sex completely during your ovulation days?
There are so many methods to safe sex... the condomless pull out method, the I am on birth control so it's okay to just go ahead and ejaculate in me technique, the condom throughout the whole sex method, diaphragm, the ring, the pill, Saran wrap? and I am sure there are more creative ways I have not thought of.
What constitutes an acceptable method of safe sex?
** After I posted this I realized that I assumed unsafe would result in pregnancy. I totally overlooked all the other things: HIV, HPV, all different kinds of STDs you can obtain from unprotected sex. So when you read this... what I mean is what constitutes an acceptable method of no baby-making sex.
the best way to have non-baby making sex, i'd goth with birth control and condom, although truth be told no sex at all is the safest rule :(!!!!!!
life is hard for us chics!!!
To be honest - no baby making should be the least of your worries. That statistics are staggering these days - somewhere around 70% of adults have HPV. HPV is the most common cause of cervical cancer. CANCER. And what about HIV? It is real. It is out there. I'm in my 30s and before my BF and I had sex even with a condom, we both got tested (no he wasn't my first, second, or third partner). You can take care of pregnancy if you have to or want to...the same can't be said for HPV or HIV.
Re: the baby-making. The pill when taken properly (i.e, same time every day, no missed doses) is very effective (almost 98%).
Please be careful.
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