When the BF and I first started dating, we went to Thai for dinner. Remember? It was my first time having Thai. My fortune that night, was what any girl in her first month with a new man could only dream of; it read, "Romance will lead you in a new direction."
And ladies, romance did. Now many months (and many many order of pad thai) later, last night we went back to that same restaurant, to celebrate the completion of my tax final.
We had a fabulous time.
And at the end of our meal, we both got fortune cookies. I held my breath, hoping for one as good as last time.
Mine read: "You will lead a happy and productive life."
His read: "You are domestically inclined and will have a happy marriage."
Although at first I thought, "oh no! our fortunes got switched!" I realized that the thing that has switched is me. I am happier and more productive than ever, and it has absolutely nothing to do with an impending marriage.
So I have come a very long way. I am fortunate that this year has been about my personal growth. And maybe BF's fortune was to show him that although in his mind he always thought "marriage at 40," maybe he has changed as well.
No man land rule: Instead of fantasizing about walking down the aisle, go off-roading for a bit and get some life experience. You might realize that marriage is just a stop on the road, rather than the final destination.
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