So, yesterday I celebrated my one year anniversary with Mr. Neighbor. You might be wondering then, why the picture of a random intersection in Beverly Hills? Well ladies, it turns out that this is more than an intersection in Beverly Hills... it is the intersection of relationships past and present in the life of Sexy Jelly.
When I first started dating Mr. Neighbor, I found out an interesting coincidence: he just happens to work literally across the street from where my ex works. Nice. Despite my anxiety every time I picked him up in the past year, we luckily never bumped into my ex, and my fears never came to fruition.
That is, until yesterday. My anniversary.
I get all dolled up in a minidress, put my top down (on my convertible, not on my person!) and drove to pick up Mr. Neighbor from work so that we could go out and celebrate. I was thrilled. I managed to (a) drive by my ex's building without seeing him outside having a smoke - which is what I was expecting - and (b) I found a primo spot right in front of my BF's building.
As luck would have it, (a) and (b) turned out to be less auspicious than I had imagined. As I'm waiting for my BF, who walks out of my BF's building?
None other than my ex.
Leaving the gym.
Which happens to be in my BF's building.
What are the chances? I was outside for a total of five whole minutes, and somehow, my ex has deveoped late onset gym-going (since he did NOT frequent that establishment when we dated) which placed him and I face to face at 7:40 last night.
And of course, right then, my BF (looking gorgeous) walks out to meet me.
And so, my past met my future. They shook hands. My ex congratulated us. We drove off.
Coincidence or sign? Why did my past and present collide precisely on the one year mark?
I can't help but think it is so that I can realize that at this intersection, I'm on precisely the right path... and that sometimes it takes comparing your sweaty past (poor guy was in his gym clothes) and your GQ current (the BF always looks dapper but yesterday was exceptional), face to face to realize just how far you have come.
Viva Beverly Hills.
OMG! I think you need to give us bloggers a few moments to digest the events of yesterday before any well thought out analysis can be made on it!
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