Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Just Ask

Ok ladies, never fear. This is not going to be a "Secret" inspired diatribe about how if you just ask for something in your heart from the universe you will receive it.

No way, no how - that boat sailed a long time ago, with Oprah at it's helm. And as you all know, this blog is devoted to new ideas, not mass marketed ones.

What I'm talking about is literally asking, for things, you want, from people (particularly men).

Today I was at Best Buy, contemplating exactly why an iPod cover costs $30. Upon walking up to the register to pay (that is, after realizing I had no time to bargain hunt elsewhere, as my flight leaves to Asia tonight and I need the damn cover) I merely stated to the guy at the register (with a smile of course) your iPod covers are too expensive. And just like that, he gave me 10% off.

And I didn't even really ask. Imagine the possibilities if I had?

Whether you are in need of an upgrade, a better table, a discount, suggestions, etc. I've come to realize, that sometimes, all you have to do is ask. More often than not, people are more than happy to comply.

I think the same is true in relationships. If your significant other isn't fulfilling your needs - rather than being passive aggressive, ask for what you want. The moral in all this, is that at the end of the day, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”

-Jules Renard

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