So yesterday, Peanut and I decided that due to record-breaking February highs in Los Angeles, it was time to head to Palm Springs for the inaguration of the tanning season. If you recall, the day trips to Palm Springs are a pasttime that Peanut and I live by.
After a day of tanning, lunching, laying, and swimming, Peanut and I were in great spirits driving back on the freeway. About 20 minutes into our drive home, a car full of boys speed ahead of us and made an attempt to get our attention. Here's how it went down.
Genus: Frat Boy
Seduction Style: While the car was going about 70 miles per hour, the passenger Frat Boy lifted himself out of the window up to his waiste, and proceeding to rub his nipples in an attempt to get some attention. And boy, attention do they get. Shortly after I pointed and laughed, drawing Peanut's attention to the scene, an undercover police officer in a truck pulled them over.
Watching the Frat Boy specimin engage in his version of the seduction style, I remembered an article I read recently about the seduction style of spiders. Apparently, the male spiders who get the most sex are not the ones that actively pursue the ladies - rather, it is the male spiders that literally play dead that copulate to their heart's content. For more on this,
When it comes to the art of seduction, which works best for you? Do you need an aggressive alpha to pursue you or would you rather be the dominant one in the relationship?
1 comment:
Well up to now, it has always been me doing all the seducing. And I enjoy it tremendously, as it empowers me in an intensely dominant way. However, after I realize that my prey has been successfully seduced, I prefer him to initiate hot passionate sex, as opposed to me initiating it.
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