Friday, February 8, 2008

BrideZilla or Just Plain Happy?

Entrep: Oh my god, make a u-turn...
Friend: What? why..?
Entrep: There is a freakin wedding dress in the window of that apartment on display... you have to see it!

As we pull up, her head comes forward... and we are just both starring. I wasn't really sure why we were so baffled... maybe it was because we wish we had a wedding dress to display? maybe because we didn't understand why on Earth anyone would face their wedding dress towards the street and pull the curtains aside to display it! Was she getting married!?!? Or was she a dress designer and really proud of her work?

Whatever it was, we were captured by it for at least 20 min... "I can't believe it.." "I know, what a weirdo!"

The stereotype of a wedding-obsessed, nitpicky, bridezilla has grown to be a strong one, especially in the last decade. And when we innocent girls want to get a little excited... we judge ourselves. And so what I took away from seeing that random wedding dress in the window: Don't let your fear of being a bridezilla take away from the excitement you deserve to feel!!! Celebrate the fact that you are getting married; hell put your wedding dress on display!!

... Yes the picture is one I actually took with my own camera (sorry it was dark).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I'm beginning to understand what happened to your boyfriend. (hint: you probably scared him off)

I don't want to sound mean, but I could totally imagine you as a bridezilla.