Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Amazing Re-Appearing Act

Last night I went to a friend's birthday party and he had hired a magician. No ordinary magician, mind you. A 70+ man who is an attorney/magician who is psychic. Pretty rare right? Not really.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that a LOT of men are actually magicians. One minute they are there, next minute, poof! they are gone. And then there are the ones who have mastered the art of the re-appearance.

What is the re-appearance you might ask?

Well, my girlfriend experienced the classic re-appearance act this morning by a grade A magician. He is a musician magician (quite possibly the worst kind).

Every time she is about to give up on the possibility of something happening between them (and ladies, it has been over a year that he has been popping in and popping out) he magically re-appears via text, e-mail and today, facebook message.

He never says much, but he says just enough to keep her hooked on the possibility. Let's just say today's message started with, "Hey Beautiful."

My question is, if we are all well aware of the bag of tricks by now, why do we still keep falling for the gags?

And if tricks are for kids, and we are looking for men, why do we keep coming back for more?


Unknown said...

That guy is smart. He has figured out the lowest her bar is set where he's concerned and all he has to do is step over it. If "Hey beautiful" is enough to get her heart fluttering, then that's all he's going to do. He's figured out her secret knock and when he needs an ego boost by giving her an ego boost, he does.

It's cheap and easy for him, flatters her in a way she seriously needs it at the time and thus the circle continues. It does more for him than her, her giggles are just a byproduct.

Until she raises the bar and realizes how easy and lame it is to just say 'hey beautiful' she'll keep falling for it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Penny. It is the woman's job to teach the man how she should be treated. If all it takes is a phone call then that is all that he is going to give. It may be a little to late for her to raise the standard with this guy, but the lesson to be learned here is that a woman should demand to be treated appropriately right from the start. No magic tricks allowed.