Friday, April 4, 2008

Success + Success = Divorce?

According to this study, women can't have successful careers and a spouse with a successful career without ending up with a failed relationship.

Fantastic. (Sarcasm emphasized).

So basically, if you want a career and a marriage, are you required to give up the alpha male? Does every relationship need a more passive, less-successful partner in order to work?

(I sure hope not...)

Here is the article:

Women Lawyers Have Higher Divorce Rates, Need Loving Husbands, Researcher Says

Posted Apr 1, 2008, 06:17 am CDT
By Debra Cassens Weiss

A researcher who has studied divorce rates for professional women, including lawyers, says her study indicates that "women can't have it all because there is a social stigma to having or being a stay-at-home spouse."

Law professor Robin Fretwell Wilson of Washington & Lee University is the author of the study.

Economist Sylvia Ann Hewlett, who conducted research on high-achieving women in 2001, theorizes that highly educated women have higher divorce rates than their male counterparts because they are attracted to successful men, and can’t give these men the care and support they need.

Wilson spoke with the Wall Street Journal about her findings, based on her analysis of 100,000 young professionals in business, law and medicine. She found that 10 percent of women with law degrees were divorced, compared to 7 percent of male lawyers.

Wilson’s study, which will be released next week, also found that female professionals are up to three times more likely to remain unmarried than men.

Story corrected at 1:53 p.m. April 4 to reflect that economist Sylvia Ann Hewlett theorized that successful women are not giving their mates the support they need.

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