Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Inspired By Your Love

After last night's excitement, I woke up to an email today and I quote my girlfriend:
"I thought to myself, if Obama can become president, I can wake my ass up in the morning and go to the gym…so, I woke up at 5am and went to the gym!"

It hasn't even been 24 hours and everywhere I turn, I see and hear that people are inspired... and so excited for a new beginning. People have been updating their facebook status to things like "I am proud to be an American tonight," "Crying tears of joy," "Excited for change," amongst a play on words like OH-Bama! It is really an exciting time to be living in. Obama is an inspiration for various reasons; everyone has their own.
But for the purposes of this blog... let's discuss his love for Michelle. Obviously we don't know what goes on behind closed doors... but I have to say, "Mr. President you captured my heart with your speech last night, specifically when you sincerely and passionately thanked Michelle, 'your best friend and the rock of the family'." I aspire for a relationship like theirs. Egalitarian. Loving. Authentic. Passionate. Strong. Supportive. Romantic, despite life's challenges. Thank you for inspiring me. I am excited and curious to see how the next 4 years pan out! Cheers to a new beginning and to finding a love like Barack and Michelle Obama's!

P.S. The pic above is my absolute favorite. I heart them.

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