Thursday, October 11, 2007

The cause of all my false expectations regarding marriage: MASH

Today a friend sent me a link to this website,, where you can play MASH online. Remember MASH (Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House) from when we were little girls? All we had to do was pick some men, pick some cars, places to live, and the color for our wedding dresses and then poof, fate (in the form of picking a random number) would decide your entire future. There was no arguing, no evaluating, no nothing: the only control we had was over who and what we picked to be in the game.

If only it were that simple in life.

Even with the most careful planning, even the most ideal MASH result (A George Clooney, a mansion, 3 kids, and two luxury vehicles) life has a way of adding in all these unforeseeable technicalities that can turn your perfect MASH result into a pile of MUSH.

When we're raised to consider only the broadest categories in planning out our ideal futures, how can we be expected to deal with all the random contingencies that the game doesn't provide for?

As members of the MASH generation, how can we train ourselves to think outside the box?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

god what I wouldn't give for things to be that simple again.