The other evening, amidst a moment of emotional weakness (yes, I was pondering the ex), I decided to go back and re-read some old diary entries. And good thing I did. The old adage still rings true: the truth shall set you free. And in this case, the truth was contained in a few eloquently drafted diary entries from last year. These entries reminded me yet again why I ended my last relationship. I did in fact do it for the right reasons. I needed that, a burst of truth, because with time, the fog of nostalgia had engulfed my memory and only allowed me to remember the good things. You can imagine how problematic this can be as it can easily lead to unwarranted doubt and regret.
I really like this quote by Georges Braque: "Truth exists. Only lies are invented." Sometimes, it is our mind that invests the lie. Sometimes it is easier to lie to yourself and forget, than to remember the pain of relationships past. Regardless of the lies I tell myself sometimes, the truth of the relationship exists, and luckily I have my diary to remind me of it.
So in short, when your mind lies and dares you to reminisce, be strong and seek out the truth - it will free you from the fog.
That is so true.. preach on sister! I tend to do that and romantcize the past..the truth shall set ya free!
M'dear you can read the human psyche so adeptly, it's brilliant. I have found myself in several moments of weakness such as yours - where I have painfully remembered my ex-lovers. On some occasions, I have gone so far as to act on my impulsiveness and make a fool of myself. But you're right. One needs to just set the truth (and the past) free...
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