Monday, August 27, 2007

The Secret Life of SJ

This past weekend, Mr. Neighbor and I went camping. And this past weekend, Mr. Neighbor and I realized that we are falling in love.

And therefore I have a problem: I feel too guilty to continue blogging about us.

A few posts ago, one reader aptly pointed out that the real question I should be asking is, what happens when Mr. Neighbor finds out about the blog?

The truth is, I feel too guilty to ever let that happen. I don't know quite how he would react, but I don't think any man would appreciate knowing his girlfriend anonymously blogs about the details of his relationship on the Internet.

And despite the fact that I mask my true identity, anyone who were to read between the lines could quickly put together the pieces. Which is completely unfair to Mr. Neighbor.

So, what does this mean for No Man Land? To be honest, writing this blog is one of my favorite things in life. So, rather than take a hiatus, I would like to broaden it a little and continue to write about general topics facing those who have at one time or another suffered from LMS, as I did until meeting Mr. Neighbor.

Please feel free to post any topics you are facing that you need feedback on - as the last few posts have shown, sometimes some really great revelations come through group discussion.

So, for now, I'm going to have to keep my life a bit more secret because the last thing I'd want is for No Man Land, the cure to my LMS, to become the reason my relationship disintegrates.

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