Monday, July 2, 2007

Go go, Speed Dater?

Where I was with Mr. Smile last week, is where I am with Mr. Neighbor this week. What a world of difference one week can make. I spent all of Saturday with Mr. Neighbor, from 10 am to 5 am. We went to the beach, a barbeque and hung out the entire night as well.

Let’s just say, I’m completely and utterly sprung.

Which should make me feel wonderful right? Not so much. All day Sunday, I felt completely sick and confused. How is it possible that one week I’m so passionate about one man, and the next week so passionate about another?

And this is how I’ve come to realize I’m dating-challenged. I’m great at being a girlfriend, where there are no boundaries, and the affection is endless… I’m not so great at getting to know someone slowly, and only then deciding whether or not to drop anchor.

As far as Mr. Smile is concerned, I think I’m totally over it. Mr. Neighbor is just so much more intriguing, due to his intellect and wit. Not to mention, he is H-O-T and lives two doors down. The only problem is that emotionally, I feel like already totally invested in Mr. Neighbor and completely vulnerable – and I’ve only known him one week! I feel like speed dater!

The question is: when your heart is racing full speed ahead, how do you slow down long enough to know whether or not you should even be in the race?


EntrePeanutButter said...

As far as I am concerned, very few people make your heart race fast. ENJOY IT. Even if you don't end up with the person who caused it... life is about seizing opportunities when they knock & being sprung is a part of being young. If you try to grow too quickly, you will be older and wish you enjoyed your 'sprung' moments more often. As far as how do you know if you should be in the race -- you don't. And you won't: THAT’S A FACT. And when something is a fact, it's a fact. You must accept it. So take it one hour at a time...only make decisions on an hourly basis -- that's how you slow things down. Think: "In this hour am I going to call him? If not, then sit there at work and enjoy being high on your infatuation with him... till the next hour" :)

Anonymous said...

you need to cut Smile loose then...

not sure how you will be able to slow things down with neighbor guy, considering he easily can stalk you,

this will be interesting.