Friday, July 20, 2007

Dating Tales From the Crypt

On May 7th, I wrote a post entitled, "Waiting for the Phone to Ring."

Well ladies, today it did. Mr. D. is officially back from the dead. Almost three months after our one and only date, Mr. D decided to call me today and see if I would be attending a mutual friend's party tomorrow night.

Needless to say, I am flabbergasted. His message was super nice, friendly, enthusiastic about seeing me.... It is as though no time has passed for him at all. I guess in the land of dead - where boys dissapear to when they stop returning your calls - time passes very quickly.

Not so in the land of the living. A lot of time, and men have passed by since my date with Mr. D.

I am thrilled to announce that I will be attending said party with Mr. Neighbor. Let's see what Mr. D thinks about that!

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