Monday, July 9, 2007

Heart to Heart

It has been a while since we've done any No Man Land rules... but here is an important one to remember:

No Man Land Rule: In order to win him over, find the way to his heart.

This past few weeks with Mr. Neighbor, he has been subtly revealing himself to me, as most men do at the beginning of a relationship. Luckily for him, I've been paying attention...

Last night I was able to show him just how much I've learned about him thus far. I am almost done reading the book he gave me on Thursday (which he found thrilling). The book is primarily about surfing, which is one of his greatest passions. I told him that the book has fundamentally changed the way I view the ocean. His response, "It served its purpose." Giving me the book was his way of letting me in - my reading it in only a few days and liking it was my way of showing him how at home with him I intend to be.

Another discovery I've made is that he loves Guitar Hero, a great video game. I know. Video game. Sounds terrible, but in reality it isn't. So I invested in the game, and last night he came over and we had a tournament.
And third, one I already knew about most men: Entourage. Men love entourage. Luckily, I already have HBO and last night we caught up on a few episodes.

Surfing. Video games. Entourage.

Three small ways I've discovered into Mr. Neighbor's heart. Intellect, hotness, and affection - three ways that Mr. Neighbor has discovered into mine.


Anonymous said...

If you haven't talked to smile yet since last Monday, he is getting the hint...

Just tell him you have started dating someone else as well, he probably will not be cool with that and that will be it.

But please do not avoid the conversation, you must have it.

SexyJelly said...

I actually did call Mr. Smile back on Thursday (praying he wouldn't call me back). He called me back on Friday much to my dismay and left a message. I'm going to call him tonight and try to be brave and end it officially... Thank you anonymous for the push - I obviously need it :)