Thursday, May 3, 2007

Dirty Laundry

So, assuming that things with Mr. Kent continue to a second date (and beyond I hope) we're inevitably going to get into discussions about our respective pasts. Who we've dated, for how long, why we broke up, how many people we've been with (my personal favorite). So, if and when these conversations come up, what is the best tactic? Complete honesty? Partial honesty? Complete fantasy?

When it comes to starting a new relationship, how much of your dirty laundry should you air out?


Anonymous said...

a carrie bradshaw in the making!

cool pic! where'd you find it???

SexyJelly said...

Thanks for the compliment! The pic actually comes from one of my favorite websites:

This photographer in NY posts a new pic every day!


Anonymous said...

You are at the age now that everyone is going to have a past, it is no longer like dating when you are 16 or even 22...

The past is the past and personally, I like to be totally honest.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts...partial "twisted" honesty is the way to go. You know...yea, I dated so and so but he just wasn't the one for me (and make sure that you leave the part out that he wasn't for you cause you actually thought his brother was hot sex!) That's what I think.

Anonymous said...

Partial's just the begining. You don't want your personal business spread around town if the guy turns out to be a looney!