Saturday, May 26, 2007

There is no place like Man-hattan

We (SexyJelly, Entrepeanutbutter, and our accomplice, Wonder Bread Woman) flew in to NYC early Friday morning and headed straight to the D.R.E.A.M. hotel where we were staying. And dream we did. We passed out until four in the afternoon at which point revived and refreshed, we woke up, lunched and started planning for our evening.

New York is all about the all night night life. And for three deprived Los Angeles ladies (who are usually forced home by abrupt bouncers at 2 a.m.) we were ready to play all night. We decided to meet up with some NY friends and go to Home, a nightclub.

And make ourselves at home we did (pardon the extremely obvious pun...).

Within ten minutes, I was dancing the night away with Mr. A. Mr. A. is tall, handsome, from L.A. and a great dancer.

I was exploring my NY alter ego, Sexy Jelly Plus (SJP for short - in honor of the original SJP ;) by wearing an incredible short, tight, sex kitten dress - which worked like a charm.

Mr. A. and I spent the entire night dancing, and actually got together the next night out as well. In his words, "We picked up right where we left off."

The best part is, on Sunday night, Mr. A took me, Peanut and Wonder woman out to dinner.

Why are these kinds of men so hard to find in Los Angeles?

Is Man-hattan the cure to LMS?

More posts to come on this one...

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