Wednesday, May 9, 2007

E-Nut's Date with Mr. E

So tonight I had a date with
Mr. E (Mr. Destin-e that is).

Thanks to everyone's feedback on my recent post about being too quick to judge on the small things, I have made an effort to stay open and see if there is anything there. Well, there definitely is... and I'm excited!!! Mr. E definitely has likings of things that I hate... but at the same time, we have a lot of similarities as well. The combo feels like it's good for me (if that makes any sense).

So to be honest with you all, I haven't dated anyone for almost 3 years now. I feel kinda like a divorced women trying to re-kindle love in my life again... and I'm not sure if I should make myself unavailable, show interest, a combo... or what I am supposed to do with myself. People always say that when you first start getting to know someone there are certain strategies/rules you need to follow. In Farsi, they say that a girl should 'hook' the guy.

Or the other option is to "Just be yourself!" But myself would call whenever & ask to hang out everyday. It's like when you get a new pair of shoes, you want to wear them all the time & keep picking outfits that will match the shoes.

Do be myself... or are there games that need to be played? If so, please tell me the game tactics... because I'm not good with games.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why play games? If you are dating for a serious relationship then you need to date people who are mature enough to be open and honest right off the bat...