Monday, May 14, 2007

Feeling My Gray Anatomy

So, last week I was brushing my hair and found the single greatest symbol of my impending quarter century mark, turning 25: A gray hair. Now, I've found a few gray hairs before, and quickly pulled them out in denial, but this one was the worst kind. The kind of gray hair that has just turned gray. The kind where you can tell the exact moment where your biological clock said, fuck you, I'm giving up a little.

I know going gray is genetic, and doesn't necessarily represent that I'm getting old, and my life is passing my by. I mean, I only have like four at this point. But, still. Next week, I turn 25 and despite all my prospects, for the moment, I'm still alone. Just me and my four gray hairs.

So, what do we do ladies? Do we succumb to the clock? Feel bad about the grays? Worry about infertility (as Grey's Anatomy would have us do)? I mean come on, Addison not being able to have a child must have struck a chord with someone other than just me. She chose her career, and in the end, gave up her opportunity to have children.

Well, here's what my solution is. I just went out and got my hair highlighted. Gray hairs be damned! I'm choosing to look fabulous and remain optimistic. Besides, this could be a good experiment. If the old adage is true, and blonds really do have more fun, then some highlights may be exactly what I need to get one step closer to the cure to my LMS.

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