Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My Date With A Potential Superman

Ladies, remember my post last week, "Being Bold At Boardner's," well, tonight was proof that being bold actually pays off. Tonight was my first date with Mr. D. After a few cute text messages and a week's worth of anticipation, we had dinner tonight. Getting ready for the date I was so incredibly nervous. A good nervous. I forgot how great it feels to change your lipstick, shirt, pants, and hairstyle at least five times each in order to make the perfect first impression.

Although we were both a little awkward at first, with each passing moment everything just got more comfortable and fun. Mr. D has a Clark Kentish quality to him... probably because he wears glasses and has a superbly mischievous smile. Let's just say throughout dinner part of me just wanted to rush across the table to pull of his shirt and see what was in store for me.

Which would have been particularly bad since my uncle and his wife were sitting at the table directly in front of us for half the meal (perfect, I know).

After dinner, Mr. D walked me to my car, at which point we chatted for another 20 minutes and made plans to get together again.

You know how when you first meet a guy, your friends give him a nickname based on some superficial quality just until they know whether or not he's going to be around long enough to deserve being called by his real name? A few examples from my past include belt boy (don't ask), math boy, and british boy. I think this boy is going to be Mr. Kent for the time being... I'll let you know if he earns his alias.

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