Saturday, May 12, 2007

Text Analysis

So, I wrote this really lovely text to a boy I'm interested in the night after our first date. And no, this is not another Mr. D story. This is someone new :) In any case, after three hours, he replied to my text with, "Great!"

Peanut and I were discussing his text today because I was completely unsatisfied by it. I felt like wow, after such a great date, and such great repor, and such a nice text, didn't I deserve more than just great, exclamation point?

Peanut brought up a good point: "Great!" is not the same as "Great." She told me that if he had left out the exclamation point, then I would have been in trouble.

My question is:

When texting, how much weight should punctuation carry? Does an exclamation point really mean the difference between "I'm interested!" and "I'm just being polite"?


Anonymous said...

sooo.... what happened??

SexyJelly said...

So far, I can't give a proper update on this one. We spoke on the phone momentarily while I was in NY, but I still can't tell if he's interested. I'm going to do a complete post on this one and get some opinions. Stay tuned ;)