Wednesday, May 2, 2007

BEING OPEN Part 2: Can new toys be the way to meet new boys?

I was with a girl friend tonight... we were discussing ways in which you can 'open' yourself to meet new people. Yes, I do believe that it's a mental thing, however MEETING people can be quite difficult if you don't take action in the physical world (it's not all just mental). You need to go out, you need to look good more than just 1 day a week, & most importantly you need to flirt. This could be quite a difficult thing to do for some. Especially those who are a little more conservative.

So my girl friend & I are sitting at a coffee shop & it all of a sudden dawns on me! She needs to start masturbating... reasons:
1. It's good to have sex on your mind & give off a sexual vibe when you are around guys, so they don't just think of you as a 'cool' friend to have

2. When you orgasm, it's like sleeping... it's needed & keeps you looking fresh & well rested (when you are well rested you are prettier)

3. A girl needs to have a smile on her face, even if it means it was put there by her own lonesome self

4. It will loosen you up a little & help you flirt better (especially if you don't do it regularly)

So, my girl friend... she doesn't masturbate (which makes it even better because she'll have a VERY fresh & well rested look once she starts). I decided to do what my good friend did for me a few years back. A nice little spontaneous trip to Hustler on Sunset Blvd where I purchased a nice little vibrator for her.

This is just the beginning of being 'open'. OPEN to possibilities, to new activities, new toys, & new boys!


Anonymous said...

In response to number 1: giving off a sex vibe. But what do you do when you unintentionally give off such a strong sexual vibe that men start to view you simply as a sexual object and don't take the time to get to know what's inside. This is my problem. I could be wearing a burka and telling someone about my vow of celibacy for the past 3 years, (year right), and someone would still comment about me giving off a sex vibe. It's very annoying when even men you think are purely your platonic friends, what to get naked with you.

Anonymous said...

in response to the comment,

if you are a hot chick and you have guy friends, of course the guy friends want to sleep with you.

You think they are platonic...they think they have a shot if they just hang around long enough!

Think about when you break up with someone and just want to bang some other guy...boom, that's when your "platonic" friend has a shot!

SexyJelly said...

I agree with the last post, if you are hot, all your guy friends want to have sex with you. I have my doubts about male/female platonic relationships... but that is for another post all together.

I think that there is nothing wrong with giving off a sex vibe... I definitely get that too sometimes. It can be frustrating but at the end of the day, if you aren't acting on it, then people will get to know you and learn to see you as a complete person and not just a sex object.