So, in my experience, the best thing to do on an online community like myspace is to engage in online stalking...
While my ex and I were dating, I once asked him if he was on myspace. His response? "No way. I'm an attorney."
Well, either he has changed his profession or he is just a major hypocrite because sure enough, a month after we broke up, he myspaced himself. Ladies, he has a page with his picture, a song, a blurb about himself, and even a picture that I used to be in (but he cut me out of for myspace purposes).
Very very mature.
In any case, I digress. I myself was thrilled to see that he had joined myspace. At least this way I can keep tabs on what he is up to. It is amazing how much you can piece together by going through his page and the pages of his friends. (Wow, that sentence just made me feel like a major stalker. Note to self: cut down on myspace stalking).
The thing is, who takes online communities seriously? They are a fun forum for talking to existing friends or in my case, stalking old ones. They are not for falling in love or getting into a serious relationship.
Are they?
I mean, all the stories we hear about people who would actually meet online involved pedophiles and less-than-attractive couch potatoes in middle America, right?
Apparently not.
Last week I heard that a girl I know met and is engaged to a great guy she met on J-Date. Good looking, doctor, from a good family, the works.
I've been in shock ever since.
So here's my question: Is it now possible to meet people online? Am I in no man land because I have failed to embrace the digital romance revolution?
the beauty of online dating sights might just bet the fact that you're kinda forced to put all superficiality aside, forget looks etc.. and meet the person for who they are. people's interests and personalities come first.
it's too bad that people don't search for these things in the real world.
hello copmletely possible!! if you don't remember jelly there is the possibility of meeting friends of friends who you don't know at all and having it go somewhere if you know what i mean mate .. and establishing friendships and potentially something more with people you recently meet ..
Thanks for the comments ladies! I'm going to continue to research this issue by putting myself out there online :) I'll keep you posted.
check out this study about people's preferences in online dating... it may provide some useful insight: http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-j/semf2006/Hort.pdf
a snippet - "Suppose you’re an ordinary-looking guy whose online picture is ranked around the median in attractiveness… And suppose you’d like to be as successful with women as a guy whose picture is ranked in the top tenth. Then you’d need to make $143,000 more than him. If your picture is ranked in the bottom tenth, you’d need to make $186,000 more than him."
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