Today I had an epiphany.
I was conversing with some guys & I found myself not knowing what they were talking about on SEVERAL occasions. It's not like they were discussing the anatomy of rats... they were talking business, politics, regular every day life subjects.
I didn't know maybe 10 words (in a 1.5 hour period) that they used. I didn't know about 3 different subjects they were talking about... and guess what: I FELT DUMB! Then I realized, HELLO PEANUT!!! Epiphany: I don't have to act dumb, I just need to find smarter guys. I actually am dumb compared to those who are smarter than me. I am just hanging out with the wrong crowd, one in which I don't learn anything from. I need to find people who are smarter than me... not to mention, people who I admire and inspire to be. NOT a group of guys that I have to play mind games with & dumb myself down for.
P.S. It's not a good feeling to feel dumb. Maybe all my life I purposely surrounded myself with guys less powerful, less intelligent because I fear feeling inferior in some way. Who knows...
You are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Thanks for this one Peanut.
VERY inspiring! glad to hear this, keep up the good investigating Peanut!
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