Wednesday, April 25, 2007

How Much Should We Bend?

So today my cell phone gave me a very ominous warning message letting me know that I am running out of storage space. At first, I was completely annoyed. I mean, I've only had this phone for a year, how could it possible be running out of space? In any case, I decided it was time to delete some text messages. That is when I realized that I have 1677 text messages stored on my cell phone. A large majority of those texts represent my last relationship. Poor phone. No wonder it is running out of space. It has been forced to hold on to the remnants of a relationship that I have already moved on from. So, as I began deleting texts from my ex, I came across one that said:

"I just want you to be happy. I love you and I am willing to change anything for you."

I can't exactly explain how this text makes me feel. Throughout my last relationship, I did make a lot of demands on my ex to change. I wanted him to change everything from his views to his lifestyle to his driving habits. Thinking back on the demands I would make, I've come to realize something:

1. We need to accept people for who they are because at the end of the day, despite our best efforts and theirs, they are not going to change all that much.

Reading his text, I also started to wonder about the changes I made for the relationship and whether I was flexible enough and willing to change for his needs...

I guess my relationship with my ex is best summed up in the words of the Radiohead song, "Where I End And You Begin":

"There's a gap in between
There's a gap where we meet
Where I end and you begin
And I'm sorry for us"

So the question for today is:

How much should you bend in a relationship? Is it possible to truly find someone with whom you meet in the middle and there is no gap?

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