Poolside at the Parker in Palm Springs
Question/ Topic of Convo:
Are men attracted to 'dumb' women?
Meet Michelle. 41 year old retired actress. Lives in Hollywood. Married once for 5 years to a man who had 3 children from his previous marriage. Is friends with a bunch of Hollywood-types & shops at Maxfield. Loves alcohol & has a tattoo of some Japanese character on her arm (because she thought it was a good idea to get a matching tattoo in Hawaii with her at-the-time fiance). Currently single and has been chillin at the Parker for the past 5 days.
Answer: "From my life experience, I believe that men who are intelligent and have confidence want a woman who is smart. Men who are insecure about their intelligence level want someone dumb or 'less smart'... and that usually doesn't last because with age comes a desire to mentally connect with someone which is why marriages don't work out."
P.S. Her tattoo said: Inner Strength
Meet Toni & Sean. Two 23 year old guys. Both play tennis and were trying to play professionally when they decided to give up and go work for Wells Fargo Personal Banking. One went to UCLA and the other didn't go to college. They met Michelle last night at the bar, where along with others, got extremely drunk and hung out till 7:30am! 41 and 23, whoa!!!
Answer: "Dumb girls?? (look of confusion as if they didn't know what I meant). After Michelle answered, they just agreed with her statement.
Meet Heather & Susan. Two late 30 something women. They both said, "we heard you talking about dumb women over there... & you are a great great girl, we love that you are comfortable in your skin, don't ever change for a man. When I was in my twenties I thought getting married was the ultimate goal. It's definitely not. You need to find something you love doing and live your life. When men marry dumb girls, they are just an arm charm & it never ever lasts." One was married, divorced and recently engaged again. The other was engaged 3 times and broke off all three.
It's always interesting to hear from different perspectives.
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